Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day...but it's about me!

So, a lot has happened since Angela's birthday party!

Father's Day: We had a great time at my parents house (James' Dad was in Disney World...lifes hard huh?!) The only bummer was my mom made a delicious lasagna...AND I COULDN'T EAT IT!!! That's right, since my breasfeeding son has a sensitive tummy, NO DAIRY FOR MOMMY!
I did however enjoy a delicious steak that was grilled for me...this no dairy can be a big bummer but I'm doing great! Plus, on top of the breastfeeding (which burns 500 calories/day) I've managed to lose all of my baby weight (which...sorry not to brag- wasn't that much) plus some! As soon as I get more time...(HA!) I'm going to head to the gym! I've got that wedding I'm in to prep for! Walking around the neighborhood just doesn't do it for me!


  1. Wow. I'm impressed. I want to lose the baby weight! I have 10 more lbs to go, but I haven't much physical activity either. I hope to start dancing again next week.

    Bummer about the no dairy. That would stink!

  2. Dancing...? You're dancing? As in taking a class or what?! Do tell...I want to dance!
