Friday, July 17, 2009

Photo Shoot @ Sears!

Before discovering that a good friend of mine is taking up photography (she is actually coming over tomorrow- July 18th to do a photo shoot with the whole Fam, YAY!) we scheduled an appointment to have pics done at Sears. Our main reason was, at Good Sam they DON'T have a professional come to your room and take pics since "Everyone these days has a digital camera" pssh...that's crap! But also, since Ben was in the NICU for 8 days and on house arrest for a long time we didn't get to capture some of those poses you would if you were able to go somewhere and have pics we FINALLY did! It was a lot of fun! After Church on the 12th we headed over to Washington Square and actually enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (YUM!) and had enough time to nurse him and still be early at Sears...well, unlucky for us (and the photographer) Sears was NOT on time! They were running 15 minutes late...UGH! Bentley was a perfect Angel the 15 minutes that would have been our time for getting the pics taken...but since he had been very patient he was getting sleepy and crabby! We managed to get some really cute pics in between holding and comforting him! He was so sweet, some asleep and some awake! So, precious! James even got to do the pose he had been longing to do for so long!

It was a great experience and I can't wait to pick them up on the 28th! I posted a few (above- hey can anyone tell me how to post pictures BELOW my blog?) I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

A Baby "Showing"!

On Saturday July 11th was Bentley's "showing"! We called it a showing since well, #1 he was already born and present at the shower...I mean "showing" and #2 because he had some complications when he was first born( we were put on house arrest for a while 6-8 weeks). So a lot of our friends and family didn't see him until this day!
It was a ton of fun! Thanks to Chrissy (sister in law), Mom and Jen (sister) it was a huge success! The food and company was fantastic! Complete with, my favorite, GAMES and CAKE! Yummy!
The first game the guests played was a "How many words/names can you create out of :Bentley James Schulz" it was a ton of fun...and I had one guest tell me that they were still working on it when they got home!!! The second game was more of a "Trivia/Fun Facts" about the pregnancy,Bentley and Bentley's hospital stay...lot's of fun questions that EVERYONE that received an E-vite through facebook would have known answers to had they looked at my pictures! Hehehe, I'm so tricky! It was a lot of fun and people learned a lot too! (Look at me going with an educational themed "Showing"!)
It was also fun to open the gifts for Bentley...we had lot's of themed gifts...Football, cowboy, socks! So, so cute! Thank you to everyone that was able to make it!
The best part out of it all was being able to show him off, the healthy baby that he is today!!! For that we are very Blessed by God, and forever Thankful!
Thank you for all of your prayers!

Mama's got a new car!!! Part 2

That's right...a new engine! Do any of you, that actually read this, know how much that kind of work cost these days?! LOTS OF MONEY! We would have been better off just buying a new car! Well, that was DEFINITELY not in the cards for us. James was only working 3 days a week, me 7 months pregnant...who would hire me (for a second job to PAY for the new car)?! Thankfully we have wonderful family who helped us out! Once we found an engine that had been "rebuilt" it was just a matter of installing it! Praise God, that James,his dad and step-dad knew what they were doing...for the most part! The catch was...when, when the heck were all three of them going to find the time to work on the car and what the heck were we going to do for a second car?!
Well, again, Praise God that James' father had 3 cars and we were able to borrow one of them! Problem 1 solved! Now, when would MY car get fixed?! Well, it was a very slow process- trying to work on it on the weekends. Since James was out of town Tuesday-Thursday. Then with Bentley coming earlier than expected and being in the hospital longer than expected it just kept setting us back. Well, needless to say it finally was finished on Thursday July 9th!
James has since been driving it to work...just in case! He didn't want me to have it with the two kids and then have something happen to it! So far so good though! It drove soooooo nice, like a brand new car! The next thing to get fixed (or rather charged) is the "freeon"? (not sure on the spelling) anyway, it's so my air conditioning will be colder than what it was, YAY!
I am very excited, and very thankful to everyone that helped us out with it. We could not have done it without you! Thank you!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mama's gotta a new car!!! Part 1

...Ok, not really a new car...but MY car is finally finished! New engine and all!

For those of you that don't know the story:

Back in February, Tuesday February 17th to be exact (don't ask how I remember that it's embarassing!) Angela and I ventured out to Target around 7pm. I started the car, and it sounded a little funny, but nothing that was alarming 'cause it was vibrating pretty bad once you'd start every once in a while and once you start driving it goes away. Anyway, so I started the car and it sounded funny but I thought nothing of, thinking it would go away after I hit the gas a bit. Well, it certainly did not. Instead of heading home I continued on to Target...praying and hoping that this horrible sound now was going to go away...well it didn't, in got a bit worse. It sounded like it was going crap out on me in the middle of an intersection on T.V highway. I was so nervous, but at this point I was closer to Target than home so I continued on and parked. Now, you're probably thinking...why didn't you call James or have him come listen to it to figure out what was going on...HA! I did do that...however, I had to do it over 1,000 miles away. Yea, that's right he was in Idaho...So, I call him and let him "try" and listen to the car...I had the hood up, am on the phone in the parking lot, I have my 4 year old still in the car when I see an Angel! I quickly told James that I had to go and dashed across the parking lot...there 2 parking spots across the lot is one of my co-workers and her HUSBAND! I very desperatley ask if he can lend a hand and help me maybe figure out what I should do with my car. So, he comes and listens and isn't really sure what I should do but suggests something simple and something that I could buy at Target. He even talked to my hubby, who I had to call back and explain why I had hung up so abruptly! So, I purchase what he thinks I need to make the car stop making this horendous noise and proceed to put it in my car. By the way I had like 5 people ask if I needed any I was a woman, pregnant, hysterical, with a 4 year old and, did I already mention hysterical?! I was freaking out! After my great attempt failed I called James back who told me to call my father'n'law and ask him if he could come out and take a look at the car.

So, I call very desperate for anything and of course, he's practically out the door and on his way before I say anything more.

In the mean time I call my parents('cause they have AAA) to ask if *key word* IF (ok, so I was being really optimistic) I needed to be towed if they could call AAA for m and drive me home. Of course they say yes I just need to tell them when!

Anywho, so my Father'n'law shows up, I start the car, and then he looks at me with the most saddened depressed look EVER...shoot this can't be good news...yea, it wasn't good fact it was worse news then I was anticipating...(so I was only being half optimistic before...) His, advice without taking anything apart, tow the car home...'cause my engine is DEAD. Of course I'm thinking do we fix it...his answer..."Buy a new engine..." GULP

I wanted to scream!

To be continued...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Girls Day Out!!

So, on Thursday July 2nd, we actually did it! We had a girls day!
Kelly,Shirl and I had a blast! We started our Girls Day with a much needed lunch! (I thought Shirlyn's tummy was going to swallow us all whole...ah yes, the joys of pregnancy! ) We decided to enjoy the delicious food of The Cheesecake Factory...since the two of them had never been there AND we were going to mall anyways! Oh, it was soooooo good! I decided to try something different (since I have been there a few times...ok...I'll be honest this trip to the CCF was actually my 6th visit...don't judge me!) I enjoyed a delicious salad that was FABULOUS!
After our delicious lunch we, of course, had to enjoy some delicous cheesecake! (Thank God I could eat some dairy again!!!!) I ordered their "special" Pineapple upside down cheesecake, YUM! Kelly ordered a Kaluha chocolate cheesecake...double YUM!! Shirlyn ordered this apple carmel pecan cheesecake...YUM,YUM,YUM!!!! We all shared, taking a few bites and then passing it on!! Oh, it was heaven I tell you! Thanks again Kelly!
Afterwards, we wandered the mall a bit...and we all actually bought stuff...which is weird for me...'cause I hate shopping!
I had a blast and Ben cooporated the entire time! He slept all through lunch and through most of our shopping...I stopped to nurse him once (which they have a special breastfeeding room near the restrooms there- AMAZING!!) Then he fell back to sleep until we got back home and I had to feed him again!
Once we got back home, Kelly had to head to work, but Shirlyn and I made our way back to my house where Angela (not my daughter) was waiting! The three of us got to continue the fun through the night...well, fun for us! We did a lot of catching up complete with an (almost) midnight pizza!
I'd love to do these Girls Day at least once a month! Let's see if we can't make it happen!
Thanks Girls for a great day and night!

4th of July

So, we had a great 4th of July weekend! James got to enjoy his Friday off AND today! He has NEVER had a 4 door weekend...well at least not since that huge snow storm we had in 2004! It's been fun to have him home!!

We had a great time at the BBQ at my in laws! Tatyana was with us this weekend and it's always nice to have her during these fun times! We enjoyed some delicious food...that of course...I ate a ton of! I seriously can't seem to get enough of food! I am just sooooo hungry (and thirsty) for anything and everything! (OH...and if I didn't inform you from before I am now able to have cheese and ice cream in my diet!!! THANK GOD!)

As each day passes I am ever more thankful for being blessed with Bentley! He is the EASIEST baby! (Complete opposite of Angela!) He did great being passed around at the BBQ. In fact when it came time to eat he just looked around at everyone at the table while I held him and ate! It was great!

When it came time for fireworks...I started getting nervous...I wasn't sure how he would react...

Well, first of all as soon as we started blowing things up his Great Uncle Tom was very eager to hold him...he wanted another baby fix for the day! So, after a quick diaper change, Uncle Tom was holding him! He was so protective of him, which was adorable! Keeping him covered, and shielding his ears...that is until he totally passed out in his arms...yea, that's right! My son was alseep...outside...on the 4th of July!!! It was fantastic! As much as I didn't want to, I would have stayed inside and watched fireworks through a window...but there was no need, he did great!

So, I've decided it is true what they say about second babies...they ARE easier!

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July weekend!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's already July?!

I can't believe today is July 1st, 2009...seriously where has the time gone? I know I keep mentioning how fast time is going by and while you may be sick of hearing about it I just can't believe it!
When you're a kid it seems like time moves so slow. You count the days 'till Christmas, Your birthday, and summer vacation. Once you hit college the days seem to pass really fast, next thing you know your graduating and starting your's not just a job anymore! Now you have the pleasure of re-paying student loans and, if you haven't already, looking for that special someone. Once you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with them (which took no time for me!). Then it's wedding planning, which soon passes you by. Then planning for the birth of a baby! While then that soon passes you by you're left wondering what else is there to look forward to...?Well I'm here to tell you that from there on out you live through your kids experiences! New things they do and discover, it's like re-living those childhood days all over again! But once you start "re"- living those days with your children those days start to pass you by...
I'm not sure what God has in store for my life or the lives of my children but I know that I just live each day one moment at a time!