Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

So, we had a great 4th of July weekend! James got to enjoy his Friday off AND today! He has NEVER had a 4 door weekend...well at least not since that huge snow storm we had in 2004! It's been fun to have him home!!

We had a great time at the BBQ at my in laws! Tatyana was with us this weekend and it's always nice to have her during these fun times! We enjoyed some delicious food...that of course...I ate a ton of! I seriously can't seem to get enough of food! I am just sooooo hungry (and thirsty) for anything and everything! (OH...and if I didn't inform you from before I am now able to have cheese and ice cream in my diet!!! THANK GOD!)

As each day passes I am ever more thankful for being blessed with Bentley! He is the EASIEST baby! (Complete opposite of Angela!) He did great being passed around at the BBQ. In fact when it came time to eat he just looked around at everyone at the table while I held him and ate! It was great!

When it came time for fireworks...I started getting nervous...I wasn't sure how he would react...

Well, first of all as soon as we started blowing things up his Great Uncle Tom was very eager to hold him...he wanted another baby fix for the day! So, after a quick diaper change, Uncle Tom was holding him! He was so protective of him, which was adorable! Keeping him covered, and shielding his ears...that is until he totally passed out in his arms...yea, that's right! My son was alseep...outside...on the 4th of July!!! It was fantastic! As much as I didn't want to, I would have stayed inside and watched fireworks through a window...but there was no need, he did great!

So, I've decided it is true what they say about second babies...they ARE easier!

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July weekend!


  1. Sounds like fun! Nolan is a pretty easy baby too, however he stayed inside on the fourth. My husband and I took shifts watching the fireworks. So I got to see some, but we didn't have a lot anyway. Yay for babies!

    (Glad you can eat dairy again).

  2. Yea, Ben is so opposite from Angela...we kept Angela inside for her first 4th of July...and I wish she could have at least heard some of it. 'Cause just last year (when she was 4) did she like watching fireworks (with huge ear protectors on, it was the only way she would watch! She thought the noise was too loud and scary)
