Saturday, June 13, 2009

To do or not to do...

So, I decided today that I should get on this "blogging" train that everyone seems to be doing. I really enjoy reading other peoples, however, I fear that I won't be as entertaining. So please give me feedback on my blogs and encourage me to keep blogging!

My real focus of wanting to blog is because I am so terrible at a lot of things. For example, when a friend calls me and leaves a message to call them back, I don't. Not because I don't want to but simply because I can never find the opportunity to. (Of course that was before I had unlimited talk on my cell I am getting better at that!) Another great example is when it comes to sending people updated pictures of my family...number one I never have them 'cause they are either still on the camera or I've downloaded them to the computer and they are not a disk that I can print out. So, my whole intention of doing this blog thing is to update people about my life and the life of my family...with the added bonus of pictures!

Since I am now officially done with my maternity leave and now on Summer vacation I have more time to devote to this and

So, as I close my very first blog I want to also ask those who have a blog to help me figure this stuff out on here!!!

Stay tuned for more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere! I feel like I'm still figuring things out also. It can be tricky at figure out how to do cool things like layouts at first, but it's pretty easy once you learn the basics. If you see something you like on someone else's blog you can usually click on it ("get gadget" or something) and add it to your blog. I got my background layout from It's pretty good about explaining how to add it from there. Good luck! Let me know if you have ANY questions!
